§470.200. Notification to the Commission  

Latest version.
  • a)         Aggregation Suppliers shall provide the following Aggregation Program information to the Commission's ORMD for posting on the Commission's public website:


    1)         the end date (expressed in month/year) of the aggregation contract and, if different, the end date (expressed in month/year) of the aggregation rate or rates;


    2)         the aggregation rate or rates (expressed in cents per kWh);


    3)         any fees for early termination of the contract by the customer;


    4)         whether the Aggregation Supplier is providing a green or clean energy product and a description of the product, and the clean energy or renewable requirement set by the Governmental Aggregator, if any;


    5)         whether the Aggregation Supplier is providing energy efficiency or demand response products and a description of the products, and the energy efficiency or demand response requirement set by the Governmental Aggregator, if any; and


    6)         a copy of the Aggregation Supplier's disclosure required by Section 1-92(f) of the IPA Act, if applicable, and any payments, inducements or donations, including civic contributions and consulting fees made by the Aggregation Supplier, either directly or indirectly, to the Governmental Aggregator.


    b)         The information required in subsection (a) shall be provided within three business days after the Governmental Aggregator and the Aggregation Supplier have determined this information to be final and this information has been made public, but no later than three business days after the customer disclosures required under Section 470.210 are sent.


    c)         No penalties shall be levied against an Aggregation Supplier pursuant to Section 16-115B(b) of the PUA for failure to comply with this Section unless:


    1)         Commission Staff has provided a notice to the Aggregation Supplier regarding its failure to comply with this Section and informing the Aggregation Supplier that it has one business day to remedy the failure, and the Aggregation Supplier fails to provide the information within one business day; or


    2)         the Aggregation Supplier has failed to provide the information to ORMD within the timeframe specified in subsection (b) three or more times in a calendar year.