§650.APPENDIX A. Available Work Categories  

Latest version.
  • 1          Earthwork


    2          Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Paving


    3          Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Plant Mix




    5          HMA Paving


    6          Cleaning and Sealing Cracks & Joints


    7          Soil Stabilization and Modification


    8          Aggregate Bases & Surfaces (Type A and Type B)


    9          Structures (Highway, Railroad, and Waterway)


    10        Structures Repair


    11        Anchors and Tiebacks


    12        Drainage


    13        Drainage Cleaning


    14        Electrical


    15        Cover and Seal Coats (Type A and Type B)


    16        Slurry Applications


    17        Concrete Construction


    18        Landscaping


    19        Seeding and Sodding


    20        Vegetation Spraying


    21        Tree Trimming and Selective Tree Removal


    22        Fencing


    23        Guardrail


    24        Grouting


    25        Painting and Cleaning


    26        Signing


    27        Pavement Markings (Paint, Thermoplastic, Epoxy, Polyurea, and Modified Urethane)






    30        Installation of Raised Pavement Markers


    31        Pavement Texturing and Surface Removal


    32        Cold Milling, Planing and Rotomilling


    33        Erection


    34        Demolition


    35        Fabrication


    36        Tunnel Excavation


    37        Expressway Cleaning


    38        Railroad (Track) Construction


    39        Marine Construction


    40        Hydraulic Dredging


    41        Hot (in-place) Recycling


    42        Cold (in-place) Recycling




    Consists of clearing, grubbing, tree removal (except selective tree removal), hedge removal, roadway excavation, channel excavation, borrow excavation, special excavation, topsoil excavation and placement, ditch excavation, common excavation, solid rock excavation, mine refuse excavation, pavement removal, hauling, embankment (earth, stone, gravel or other materials), backfilling (all types of materials), grading, compacting and trenching.  This category is also applicable to projects involving Demolition (see definition), riprap installation, construction of aggregate ditch, construction of gabions, slope mattress and revetment mats (riprap or interlocking concrete blocks) and removals.  In addition, this category is applicable to Seeding for Land Reclamation projects.


    EQUIPMENT:  Scrapers, gradalls, graders, cranes, shovels, excavators, backhoe loaders, front‑end loaders, skid-steer loaders, bulldozers, sheeps foot rollers, vibratory rollers or fine grading equipment are required to establish a rating.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Primary or advanced formula.



    Equipment factor (EqF)



    Self-propelled scrapers

    $21,000 per cubic meter of heaped capacity


    $16,000 per cubic yard of heaped capacity

    Pull type scrapers

    $12,000 per cubic meter of heaped capacity


    $9,000 per cubic yard of heaped capacity


    $115,000 each


    $100,000 each

    Cranes, shovels, excavators and backhoe loaders

    $360,000 for .5 cubic meter bucket size


    $405,000 for .75 cubic meter bucket size


    $480,000 for 1 cubic meter bucket size


    $580,000 for 1.25 cubic meter bucket size


    $730,000 for 1.5 cubic meter bucket size


    $800,000 for 1.75 cubic meter bucket size


    $880,000 for 2 cubic meter bucket size


    $1,060,000 for 2.5 cubic meter bucket size


    $1,400,000 for 3 cubic meter bucket size


    $1,730,000 for 3.5 cubic meter bucket size


    $375,000 for .75 cubic yard bucket size


    $405,000 for 1 cubic yard bucket size


    $460,000 for 1.25 cubic yard bucket size


    $550,000 for 1.5 cubic yard bucket size


    $635,000 for 1.75 cubic yard bucket size


    $750,000 for 2 cubic yard bucket size


    $835,000 for 2.5 cubic yard bucket size


    $1,010,000 for 3 cubic yard bucket size


    $1,210,000 for 3.5 cubic yard bucket size


    $1,440,000 for 4 cubic yard bucket size


    $1,610,000 for 4.5 cubic yard bucket size

    Front-end loaders 

    $115,000 for less than 1.5 cubic meter bucket size


    $210,000 for 1.5 to 2 cubic meter bucket size


    $340,000 for 2.1 to 3 cubic meter bucket size


    $475,000 for 3.1 to 4 cubic meter bucket size


    $605,000 for greater than 4 cubic meter bucket size


    $115,000 for less than or equal to 2 cubic yard bucket size


    $230,000 for 2.1 to 3 cubic yard bucket size


    $375,000 for 3.1 to 4 cubic yard bucket size


    $460,000 for 4.1 to 5 cubic yard bucket size


    $605,000 for greater than 5 cubic yard bucket size

    Skid-steer loaders

    $50,000 each


    $200,000 each

    Fine grading equipment

    $200,000 each

    Self-propelled rollers

    $50,000 each

    Pull-type rollers

    $15,000 each


    $15,000 each

    Water truck

    $1.35 per liter


    $5 per gallon

    Off-road and bottom-dump trucks

    $20,000 per cubic meter of heaped capacity


    $15,000 per cubic yard of heaped capacity




    Consists of constructing pcc pavement, continuously reinforced pcc pavement, pcc base course and pcc base course widening, cement aggregate mixture sub-base, pozzolanic stabilized mixture sub-base and pozzolanic stabilized base course.  This category is also applicable to Concrete Construction.


    EQUIPMENT:  A central mix plant or a batch plant with truck mixers, formless paver and finishing machine.  A concrete plant with either a formless paver or a finishing machine is the minimum equipment requirement.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Primary or advanced formula.



    Equipment Factor (EqF)

    Central Mix Plant and Batch Plant*

    (C.M./Batch) x (20 Batches/Hr.) x (8 Hrs./Day) x (80 Days/Yr.) x ($105/C.M.) x (1.0) for an approved plant


    (C.Y./Batch) x (20 Batches/Hr.) x (8 Hrs./Day) x (80 Days/Yr.) x ($80/C.Y.) x (1.0)

    Central Mix Dual Plant and Dual

    Batch Plant*

    (C.M./Batch) x (20 Batches/Hr.) x (8 Hrs./Day) x (80 Days/Yr.) x ($105/C.M.) x (1.7) for an approved plant


    (C.Y./Batch) x (20 Batches/Hr.) x (8 Hrs./Day) x (80 Days/Yr.) x ($80/C.Y.) x (1.7)


    *  To receive the maximum equipment factor (EqF) for a batch plant, the contractor shall possess a minimum of one truck mixer for every cubic yard of batch capacity of the plant.




    The placement of HMA pavement (Full Depth), binder and surface course (Class I and Superpave), base course widening, base course, stabilized sub-base, shoulder, shoulder curb, sidewalk, driveway, median, patching, open graded asphalt friction course and incidental surfacing.  Also includes placement and hot recycling of reclaimed aggregates and asphaltic cements, and placement and production of cold mix stabilized base.  This category is also applicable to HMA Paving.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  An approved HMA plant, an approved HMA spreading and finishing machine and compaction equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Primary or advanced formula.


    Plant Production Rating

    Equipment Factor (EqF)

    Metric Tons Per Hour (MTPH)

    MTPH x (8 Hrs./Day) x (80 Days/Yr.) x ($72/Ton)

    Tons Per Hour (TPH)

    TPH x (8 Hrs./Day) x (80 Days/Yr.) x ($69/Ton)


    Note:   An approved HMA plant is a new or used plant that is used to calculate the EqF pursuant to Section 650.260 of this Part, and that is assigned a nominal production rating by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research for the work category.  Contracts may require the production of Class I or Superpave mixtures.  The approved plant will be rated for production of Class I and Superpave mixtures prior to the production of such mixtures.


    5 − HMA PAVING


    Consists of placing HMA base, surface, widening or shoulders with a HMA spreading and finishing machine. This category is restricted to either 1,200 tons in any one contract (Class I, BAM, or Superpave) or as specified by the local agency.  HMA, sidewalk, driveway, median and patching are not to be included in the tonnage determination.  This work can also be completed under HMA Plant Mix.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  An approved HMA spreading and finishing machine and compaction equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of routing and sealing cracks for asphaltic and concrete pavements.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Router and melter.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of constructing soil-cement base course and lime modified soils.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Grader, rotary speedmixer, mechanical spreader, water tanker and compaction equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of constructing granular sub-base, aggregate base course, aggregate surface course, aggregate shoulders and aggregate-turf pavement.  Also includes construction of cement aggregate mixture sub-base, pozzolanic stabilized mixture sub-base, pozzolanic stabilized base course, lime modified soils (disc harrow method), calcium chloride applications, and sub-ballast.




    Consists of hauling and spreading aggregate.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Grader or mechanical spreader, and compaction equipment if applicable.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Primary or advanced formula.



    Equipment Factor (EqF)

    Grader and compaction equipment (Type A)

    $375,000 each

    Mechanical spreader and compaction equipment (Type A)

    $375,000 each

    Grader (Type B)

    $375,000 each

    Mechanical spreader (Type B)

    $375,000 each


    $200,000 each




    Consists of excavation for structures (includes cofferdams, temporary cribs, etc.), constructing concrete structures (bridges, box culverts, etc.), membrane waterproofing, constructing steel structures (bridges, corrugated structural plate drainage structures, etc.), constructing metal railings, constructing timber structures (bridges, etc.), erection, installation of reinforcement bars, piling (all types), and construction of temporary bridges.  This category is also applicable to Structures Repair, Demolition, Concrete Construction, Fencing and Signing.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  see Structures (Waterway) Equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  see Structures (Waterway) Calculation.




    Consists of items listed above.  This category is specific to structures carrying railroad transportation.




    Consists of the construction of major structures and appurtenances for water storage and distribution, flood control and recreation.  This includes dams, spillways, spillway crest gates, sluiceway, sluiceway gates, canals, channel appurtenances (culverts, flumes, inverted siphons, etc.), pump stations (including mechanical equipment), aqueducts, irrigation structures (checks, dams, gates, etc.), locks and dams, dikes, groins and jetties.  This category also includes excavation for structures (includes cofferdams, temporary cribs, etc.), piling (all types), de‑watering and Demolition


    EQUIPMENT:  Bulldozers, front-end loaders, shovels, cranes, backhoe loaders, excavators, pile hammers and bridge deck finishing machines.  A crane is the minimum equipment requirement.  However, a crane is not required for those contractors requesting a structures rating for $150,000 or less.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of bridge deck repair or bridge deck removal and replacement.  This includes the use of latex modified concrete, polymer concrete, epoxy and other materials for patching, deck overlays, sealing, etc.  Also includes membrane waterproofing, constructing metal railings, installation of reinforcement bars, superstructure repairs such as replacement of joints, replacement of bearings, beam straightening (heat or mechanical), repair and retrofit of fracture and fatigue distressed steel girders, member strengthening, etc. Substructure repairs are also included and consist of the use of epoxy, shotcrete and other materials for minor repairs of spalled or deteriorated concrete.  This category is also applicable to Concrete Construction, Fencing and Signing.  This work can be completed under the Structures (Highway) category.


    EQUIPMENT:  Front-end loaders, cranes, backhoe loaders, excavators and bridge deck finishing machines.  A crane is the minimum equipment requirement.  However, a crane is not required for those contractors requesting a structures repair rating for $150,000 or less.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Construction of all types of anchors and tiebacks that provide resistance to lateral and uplift forces in bridge abutments, retaining walls, bulkheads, dams, deep excavations and various support systems (underpinning, etc.).


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Auger, drilling, or jacking equipment. Grouting equipment to include air compressor, mixing equipment, agitator-type reservoir tank and grout pump.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.


    12 − DRAINAGE


    Consists of the installation and removal of precast concrete box culverts, installation and removal of pipe culverts and storm sewers, relining of pipe culverts and storm sewers, installation of pipe drains and pipe underdrains, exploration trenches for locating farm underdrains, minor boring and jacking of pipe-in-place, installation of cast iron soil pipe, installation of water mains and water service lines, adjusting sanitary sewers and water service lines, construction of catch basins, manholes, inlets, inspection holes and valve vaults, minor cleaning of catch basins, adjustment and reconstruction of catch basins, manholes, inlets, inspection holes and valve vaults, installation and adjustment of frames and grates, filling existing manholes, catch basins, inlets, wells and drainage structures, moving fire hydrants, moving domestic meter vaults and water service boxes, riprap installation, construction of aggregate ditch, installation of excelsior blanket, fiber mat and fiberglass roving, construction of gabions, slope mattress and revetment mats (riprap or interlocking concrete blocks), construction of trench and backfill for communication cables, ducts and conduits, construction of inverted siphons, construction of flumes, construction of pump stations (including mechanical equipment) and installation of corrugated structural plate drainage structures. This category is also applicable to de-watering projects, well drilling, slurry trench cut-off walls (soil-bentonite or cement-bentonite), and Drainage Cleaning.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Trenching machine or backhoe loader or excavator.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of cleaning of pipe culverts, storm sewers and catch basins.  This work can also be completed under the Drainage Category.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Vacuum or jetting equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the installation of electric cable, duct and conduits, construction of trench and backfill for cables, ducts and conduits, traffic surveillance and control installations, traffic signal installations, installation of light pole, installation of light tower, installation of vapor luminaire, installation of sign lighting, installation of temporary lighting systems, installation of navigational lighting systems, installation of photocell relay service, installation of airport lighting systems, installation of airport beacon towers and airport rotating beacons, and other appropriate illumination systems.  This category is also applicable to electronic weigh scale installations, installation and maintenance of motorist call box systems and installation of electrical controls/mechanical equipment for pump stations.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Trenching machine or backhoe loader or excavator or aerial equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the application of bituminous materials for priming, road oiling, cover coating and seal coating.




    Consists of sealing parking lots and driveways.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Distributor (Type A).


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Primary or advanced formula.



    Equipment Factor (EqF)

    Distributor (Type A)

    $400,000 each

    Tanker Truck* (Type A)

    $50,000 each


    *    A maximum of two tanker trucks per distributor will be allowed.




    Consists of slurry sealing and micro-surfacing.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Slurry or micro-surfacing equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of masonry work or the construction of concrete barrier, curb, gutter, combination curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveway pavement, median, paved ditch, flumes, slope wall, retaining wall, railroad crossing, pavement, base course, base course widening and all types of pavement patching.  This category also includes construction of revetment mats (cast-in-place concrete slabs), construction of foundations (light pole, light tower, etc.) and various undersealing projects that allow the voids to be filled by gravity flow. Removal of concrete that consists of any of the aforementioned items or similar items is applicable to this work rating.  This category is also applicable to construction of box culverts and other similar miscellaneous drainage structures.  The total of pavement, base course and base course widening cannot exceed 15,000 square yards in any one contract.  This work can also be completed under the PCC Paving and Structures (Highways, Waterways) categories.


    EQUIPMENT:  Concrete saws, generators, vibrators, forms, tampers, screeds and concrete placement equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of planting trees, shrubs, vines and other materials.  This category also includes applying fertilizing nutrients, mulching, watering, pruning and selective removal of unwanted plants and Seeding and Sodding.


    EQUIPMENT:  Auger equipment or hoe, tillers, disks, slope harrows, hydraulic seeders, tractor drawn or mounted seeders, rangeland type grass drill, mulch blowers, tree spade and water trucks.  Seed bed preparation and seeding equipment, a tractor loader and a water truck is the minimum equipment requirement.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of seeding, sodding, applying fertilizer nutrients, mulching, watering, installation of excelsior blanket, fiber mat and other erosion work.  This work can also be completed under the Landscaping category.


    EQUIPMENT:  Tillers, disks, slope harrows, hydraulic seeders, tractor drawn or mounted seeders, rangeland type grass drill, mulch blowers and water tankers.  Seed bed preparation, seeding equipment and a tractor is the minimum equipment requirement.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the application of chemicals to remove or control vegetation.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Tanker truck with on- and off-road spraying equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.  The contractor must have an Illinois Commercial Pesticide Applicator's license.  Workers must have an Illinois Commercial Pesticide Operator's license issued by the Illinois Department of Agriculture.




    Consists of commercial arborist work such as trimming and thinning of trees, root pruning and removal of individual trees and tree stumps.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Aerial equipment, brush chipper, pruning tools and stump grinder.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.


    22 − FENCING


    Consists of constructing chain link fence, wire fence and wood fence.  This category is also applicable to the installation of object markers, delineators and mile post markers.  This work can also be completed under the Structural (Highway, Railroad) and Structures Repair categories.


    EQUIPMENT:  Post hole auger equipment needed for Fencing rating of $200,000 or more.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.


    23 − GUARDRAIL


    Consists of constructing steel plate beam guardrail, wood guardrail, cable road guard, posts (including guard posts), pipe handrail and metal railings.  Removal of any of the aforementioned items or similar items is applicable to this work category.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Post hammer or post hole auger.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.


    24 − GROUTING


    Consists of shotcrete construction, lime injection systems, clay grouting, chemical grouting, compaction grouting, cement grouting, jet grouting, asphalt grouting and bituminous or cement fly ash undersealing of concrete pavements.  Applicable to soil stabilization and rehabilitation of dams, bridges, sewers, tanks, reservoirs, tunnels, culverts, walls, masonry structures, etc.  This category is also applicable to mud jacking, slab jacking and various under-sealing projects.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Air compressor, mixing equipment, agitator-type reservoir tank and grout pump.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the cleaning, containment and painting of metal surfaces.  This includes structural steel, sign structures, sign supports, traffic signal hardware, lighting hardware, etc. This category is also applicable to pressure washing.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Air compressor, sandblast equipment, paint spraying equipment, and power washer.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.


    26 − SIGNING


    Consists of installing, relocating, renovating, refurbishing and cleaning sign panels.  This category also includes the installation and relocation of sign supports and sign structures, installation of object markers, installation of delineators and installation of mile post markers.  Removal of any of the aforementioned items is also applicable to this work category.  This work can also be completed under the Structures (Highway) and Structure Repair categories.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Auger and aerial equipment.  A crane will also meet minimum equipment requirements. Auger only will be limited to roadside signing.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the installation of paint pavement marking lines, letters and symbols.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Truck mounted or hand operated painting equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the installation of thermoplastic pavement marking lines, letters and symbols.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Truck mounted or hand operated equipment that is approved by the Bureau of Operations within the Division of Highways.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the installation of epoxy pavement marking lines, letters and symbols.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Equipment that is approved by the Bureau of Operations within the Division of Highways.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the installation of polyurea pavement marking lines, letters and symbols.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Equipment that is approved by the Bureau of Operations within the Division of Highways.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the installation of modified urethane pavement marking lines, letters and symbols.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Equipment that is approved by the Bureau of Operations within the Division of Highways.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the installation of raised reflective pavement markers and their removal.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Plunge router or saw.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of grooving or grinding PCC pavement or continuously reinforced PCC pavement.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Grooving or grinding equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of bituminous surface removal or texturing bituminous pavements.  Also applicable to pulverizing and mixing existing bituminous material.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Milling, planing or grinding machine.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.


    33 − ERECTION


    Consists of erecting structural steel or sign trusses.  This work can be completed under the Structures (Highway, Railroad) category.




    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the removal of timber, steel and concrete structures and buildings.  This work can be completed under the Structures (Highway, Railroad, Waterway) and Earthwork categories.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Crane or excavator or front-end loader, backhoe loader or bulldozer.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of fabricating, delivering and storing structural steel.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Fabrication plant.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of earth and rock excavation for tunnels, and construction of liner plate shafts, steel sheeted shafts and wood sheeted shafts.  This category also includes rock bolting and major boring and jacking of pipe-in-place.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Tunnel boring machine.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of sweeping expressways and arterial routes.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Motorized street sweeping equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of sub-ballast construction, ballast construction, installation of crossites and installation of steel rails.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Ballast regulator, tamper and lifting equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Consists of the construction of harbors and docking facilities on lakes or rivers.  This includes breakwater structures, groins, jetties, seawalls, major revetments (riprap, interlocking concrete blocks and cast-in-place concrete slabs), bulkheads, piers, wharves, fenders and dolphins.  This work category is also applicable to excavation for structures (includes cofferdams, temporary cribs, etc.), piling (all types), de-watering, mechanical dredging, underwater inspection and underwater repair.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Barge and barge-mounted crane.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    Dredging of various waterways by the use of pumping equipment.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Barge and pumping equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    A road construction technique that involves a single-pass or a two-pass operation that scarifies and rejuvenates the existing pavement material or combines existing pavement material with virgin material.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Either a single recycle machine or a recycling train capable of heating, scarifying, remixing and relaying pavement material.  Compaction equipment is also required.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.




    A road construction technique that reuses existing pavement material.


    EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:  Emulsion tanker truck, recycle machine, paver and compaction equipment.


    CALCULATION OF WORK RATING:  Secondary formula.


    (Source:  Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 7170, effective April 25, 2016)